What Weather? The January Doldrums Continue…

I have not posted recently, in part because there has not been much to talk about. It has been dry, and my initial perception would be that our seasonal snowfall is now surely below normal. But Let’s take a look at the numbers:

  1. So far this season we have had 70.8 inches of snow
  2. 59.2 inches of that happened before December 1, 2019
  3. The average total snowfall for this time of the season is 53.4 inches
  4. Our largest snowfall since December 1, 2019 is just 4.6 inches on December 28, 2019

What is amazing is that despite how dry it has seemed recently, our snowfall for the season is still well above normal. In fact, this is still the second snowiest season (up until January 21st) in my 10 years of records:

Snow SeasonSnowfall (inches) Through January 21st

Taking a look at the basin averaged snowpack across Colorado shows a similar story, that is, snowpack is above normal in all basins:


A quick look at the 8 to 14 day forecast shows that much of the country is expected to see above normal temperatures with a slight chance of above normal precipitation for eastern Colorado:

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Snow lovers don’t despair!  There is still plenty of winter to go!


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