March is going out like a lamb here in the Colorado Front Range Foothills. Overall, our pattern of weekly snowfalls continued during the month, but temperatures started to moderate giving us our first few glimpses of spring.
For March 2022:
Total Snowfall: 28.2 inches (3.1 inches above normal for the month)
Total Liquid Precipitation: 2.34 inches (0.16 inches above normal)
Average High Temperature: 40 F (3.3 F below normal)
Average Low Temperature: 20 F (2.2 F below normal)
Average Temperature: 29.5 F (3.1 F below normal)
Highest Temperature: 61.5 F (March 27, 2022)
Lowest Temperature: -11.5 F (March 10, 2022)
Biggest Snowfall: 18.9 inches (March 16-17, 2022)
Highest Wind Speed: 49 mph (March 12, 2022)
Average Snowpack: 14 inches
We are now at 103.5 inches of snow for the season:
which is just slightly below the normal of 107.1 inches for the end of March.
Overall, we are doing better in terms of drought which much of the Northern Front Range Mountains now just slightly below normal:
April and May tend to be our wettest months and sometimes our snowiest as well. Temperatures will moderate the remainder of this week before the next chance of rain and snow on Sunday: